Cycek and Wicklow are barely alive, tangled in webs, and dangling some one-hundred feet down a chasm beneath the cavern where their companions do battle with the hobgoblin occupants of Khundrukkar. Davros hangs nearby from a rope, calling out to them in the dark. Cycek can see him and he can also see an enormous spider sizing them up from the gloom a mere ten feet away. Wicklow cannot see in the dark, but he catches a glimpse of the eight-legged horror when a glowing shield tumbles down from above and hangs in the webs for a moment before plummeting down into the inky black darkness below. In a panic, he manages to break free of the clinging webs and begins climbing toward Davros’ rope. Cycek too struggles free from the webbing and begins climbing up as well. The commotion triggers the instincts of the oversized arachnid. It springs forward, and shoots a stream of webbing at the fleeing elf, failing to connect.
Up above, Sartan ties a second rope to the bridge support, giving his fallen companions another life line. They continue to climb, pursued by the spider. It catches Davros, sinking its dagger-like venomous fangs into him.
Meanwhile, Mishok fights a pair of hobgoblins on the far side of the bridge. He directs his ethereal sacred weapon to attack them, while he attempts to cross back over. He takes a moment to magically repair the severed support rope, but still finds it extremely difficult to cross while under attack. He clings tightly to the swaying ropes, but cannot make any forward progress. The attacking hobgoblins hack at the bridge supports, severing them. That side of the bridge falls, and Mishok, clinging to it, falls with it. He swings like a pendulum and smashes against the stone wall thirty feet down the opposite side of the chasm. His grip is tight that he manages to hang on, and immediately begins climbing upward. He sees the spider pursuing his companions, and he unleashes the sacred flame upon it. It recoils in pain, scuttles away back down the hole, and disappears into darkness.
Cycek is the first to clamber out of the chasm. He is immediately struck by an arrow, and he falls to the floor, unconscious and bleeding. Two more hobgoblins emerge from a hidden door and give battle to Sartan. He puts one to the sword and shoves it off the edge. But, a moment later, Sartan in turn is shoved into the gaping hole. He too is fortunate, and hangs up in the webbing, rather than plummeting to almost certain death.
Davros, having finally climbed out of the hole himself, kills the the remaining hobgoblin on their side of the chasm, while the attackers on the far side withdraw, slamming a door behind them.
With no immediate threat, Mishok is able to take a moment to extend a healing blessing to Cycek. Sartan soon also succeeds in climbing out of the rift.