Session Zero Notes

Hello players! I hope you all enjoyed Session Zero. It was great seeing all the creativity being poured into the character generation process. I’m looking forward to hearing your ideas as they start to gel, and we figure out how these individuals will come together as a group.

I have a few ideas I was batting around. These are by no means intended to apply pressure or direct your backstories, but rather some ideas and questions that might spark more ideas.

I love the idea of DU.EE having been created within the library, and used as a servant of sorts. Candlekeep is administered by an order of sages and scholars known as the Avowed. The front gates are overseen by five Avowed. Admittance to the library is granted only to those who contribute a book not currently in Candlekeep’s collection. Thus, the gatemasters employ runners to convey a presented book to sages within the library for review, while the hopeful visitors await news of either acceptance or rejection. DU.EE’s function could be to serve as a runner.

Perhaps DU.EE’s maker was an Avowed sage with a keen interest in the lore of constructs, golems, and such. The knowledge that his maker gathered, has again been lost within the myriad books of the library: a passage in one book, a concept explained in another, a ritual detrailed in yet another, and so forth. Those dots are no longer connected, thus the art of assembling another such construct is lost. Who was it that built him anyway?

Another thought to consider for DU.EE: who is his deity? The Avowed are adherents of Deneir – the lord of glyphs and writing. Perhaps DU.EE carries on in that tradition. Or does he refute the faith he was “born” into and instead revere a different god?

I imagine that DU.EE is seen as a mere automated tool by some, a pet by others, and as a fully sentient individual by a few enlightened others. Maybe even as an abomination by some. There might be some interesting ideas to explore here. I also imagine that DU.EE’s metal components are engraved with arcane glyphs and runes.

As a changeling, how does Lis present himself physically? What is his “default” appearance? Do his companions know what he is? How does Lis’ religious background and alignment interact with a racial trait that can easily be used to deceive?

I like the “bond” that Lis is committed to the preservation of a sacred text which some would like to destroy. The pairs well with a campaign that features literature so prominently. Is it this bond that draws him to Candlekeep? We could explore ideas around the suppression of ideas, and the power of the written word.

I love the backstory you presented, Paul. I won’t say much about it here, as I think it’s something your character may choose to share or not share as he sees fit. But, here’s one other facet of this world that I was thinking about, which applies to not only to Grixori, but to all the characters. How common are Tieflings? The way I like to imagine it, is that in some more cosmopolitan areas, Tieflings (and other less common races) are not unheard of. But in more provincial areas, a Tiefling, with an innately fiendish heritage, might be met with distrust or fear. Are you comfortable with that being a factor?

Grixori has a specific area of knowledge to research, so he has his own reason to visit Candlekeep. Does he meet the other characters on the way to the library, or is he already there when others arrive?

Grabnar Stonebrow
I love the military background that Grabnar brings to this group. His sense of duty, discipline, and adherence to the law along with his down-to-earth commoner background can help keep this group of characters grounded. I wonder what brings him to Candlekeep? Does he have a connection to the town that is suffering from the curse-induced drought? Is he hired by the town to seek answers? Or does he have a connection to one of the other characters?

Waldo Achelous Lavau Tobler
I think the idea of Waldo having an innate concern for the well being of the natural world, is a perfect rationale for him intervening on behalf of the cursed town. As you suggested during Session Zero, perhaps his woodland home is in the vicinity of the town. His beloved woods are suffering the blight and drought that is causing such hardship for the neighboring town. Is this is what motivates Waldo to seek the mage Matreous at Candlekeep? Has he done this on his own, or has he first consulting with leaders in the town? How might he be connected to other characters? Perhaps Wrenn, the Rock Gnome, is related in some way?

Wrenn’s criminal background fascinates me in the different ways it can be manifested. Your personality trait uses the phrase “Never tell me the odds” which puts me in mind of Han Solo – a criminal, yet not an “evil” character. Wrenn’s ideals are based on loyalty to his friends. Is it his loyalty to another character that brings him along on a trip to Candlekeep? I menrtioned the posibility of Wrenn and Waldo being related. But Wrenn could just as well be a loyal friend to another character, an NPC, or none of the above. I’m also curious as to who Wrenn’s “criminal contact” might be.

Those are just some thoughts I’m kicking around and some ideas to consider. I’m interested in the ideas you all have!


  1. I have been kicking some ideas around with my background. The ideas you brought to the table have me thinking more about what I want to do with Wrenn.

  2. I’ve been toying with the idea that perhaps DU.EE is not completely aware of how/why how his powers are manifesting and that may be a mystery to solve along the way. Perhaps he’ll be presented with clues or tasked directly by his deity. I like the idea that he is well read on religion and deities in general and maybe he’d need to do some checks or follow some clues. That must of his current spells will be flavored more so as skill and knowledge (or perhaps DU.EE just thinks he’s applying his knowledge). I imagine he sneaks in reading as often as possible and has absorbed at much knowledge as possible, but has never left the library and thus has zero practical experience with anything else. I also love that he may not know or remember who created him.

  3. I kind of figured going in as a Tiefling that I would be met with distrust and fear so I am okay with that. I also have had this idea over night that I think you helped flush out with your comments on DU.EE. I like this idea that I am at the front of the line (being given a wide birth as everyone kind of eyes me up suspiciously) at Candlekeep, hoping to get in because I have some much needed research to be completed.

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