Session 2: Book Club and a Quick Bite

The group find themselves in the foyer of a luxurious home. A corridor extends out to either side of the foyer. The floor is hardwood and the walls are made of stone blocks. The ceiling arches fifteen feet overhead. A number of doors are visible along the length and at opposite ends of the corridor. A few of the doors appear to be ajar. A nearby stairway ascends to a landing upon which a suit of armor stands. Behind the armor a purple swirling miasma is visible through a window.

Wrenn notices an aroma of cooking and the clatter of pots and pans coming from one door. Investigating, he is warmly greeted by two small, winged, and enthusiastic humanoids. They introduce themselves as Cumin and Coriander. The two are in the midst of preparing soup, they and invite these new guests to sit and dine. They offer bread and cheese in addition to the soup.

Cumin speaks in a high squeaky voice and tells them that she was created by her “boss” Fistandia, whereas the deep-voiced Coriander was created by Fistandia’s companion, Freyot. Neither Fistandia or Freyot have been seen for several months.

Meanwhile, in the corridor, Waldo encounters a friendly cat. He speaks to it and learns that its name is Blackie. When asked if there is anything to fear here, the cat expresses no concern but mentions that “Fuzzy” is missing.

Waldo proceeds to another door, farther down the hallway. He pushes it open and find what appears to be a private library. Tall shelves filled with books line the walls of this room. Two free-standing bookcases run through the middle of the room with a ten-foot-wide aisle between them. Several stacks of books are piled high throughout the room. There are small reading desks with cozy scarlet chairs in the corners.

Waldo hears a rustling sound from a stack of books. Reaching for one, he is suddenly engulfed in a swarm of books come to life. Their furious attack upsets one of the freestanding bookcases, which falls on Waldo, pinning him to the ground. Hearing the ruckus, his companions rush down the corridor to assist.

A melee ensues in which a second swarm of books comes to life. The embattled group hack and slash at the flying books as if swatting flies. A couple of the adventurers are battered within inches of their lives before the maddened books can be subdued. DU.EE makes use of his healing skills and brings his wounded companions back from the brink.

Looking through the wreckage, they find a couple noteworthy books. One is a slim bestiary of the undead. It appears to be intended for the mainstream reader, rather than a deep scholarly tome. It is published by Bobin Broadsheet Printer & Bindery in Rennet’s Cove, County Moldavia, Tethyr W.O.R.P.

The book includes entries for skeletons, zombies, ghouls, ghasts, ghosts, vampires, and more. The written information in this books seems fairly rudimentary, but the engraved illustrations are magnificent: very artistically done and wildly embellished. One entry is titled with an unpronounceable rune.  The creature depicted is a wretched, hunched humanoid with empty eyes like gaping holes and a distorted maw fixed in an expression of moaning torment. The text describes an undead horror that can kill you just by looking at you. It is believed that these horrid creatures are the unholy issue of Orcus, the demon lord of the undead. These creatures are also associated with the Shadowfell, the realm of the “Raven Queen” – thought to be a dark reflection of the Feywild, and a realm coveted by Orcus. This brief passage is footnoted, referencing the “Book of the Raven” – the sacred scriptures of the Shadar-Kai.

The illustration accompanying this entry sends chills up Grixori’s spine. His companions notice that he has gone pale and they inquire as to whether he knows what this creature is. He tells them that, unfortunately, yes he does. It is a Bodak, and he has a tragic history with them. In fact, he came to Candlekeep to research them. DU.EE has heard of these creatures. He has heard that they are strictly creatures of the night, and they are never seen in the daylight.

They also find a hefty tome with a leather cover featuring the portrait of a stern wizard… clearly Mordenkainen. In fact this book seems to be one of a series, as it bears a close similarity to the annotated volume they had found in Matreous’ study room. This one does not appear to have any marginal notations. This book bears an elaborately embellished letter “R” on the spine. It appears to be a compendium of research on the topic of “pocket dimensions.”

Throughout the room can be found various books dealing with assorted subjects like astronomy, planar travel, religion, horticulture, history, mythology, and more.

Waldo takes the “Undead Guidebook” while one of his companions takes the Mordenkainen tome.

Returning to the kitchen, they ask Cumin and Coriander if the books in the library always behave that way, and they respond that they never go in there. The party asks them where they get the food supplies from, and they mention that they have a large supply of dry and canned food, plus they grow fresh vegetables in the arboretum. The plants are illuminated by driftglobes, which the two tiny household assistants reactivate from time to time. They warn that if the party chooses to visit the arboretum, that they might get harassed by the pesky but otherwise harmless faerie dragons who live there.

Cumin and Coriander continue to enthusiastically offer their hospitality. They haven’t had a chance to cook for anyone other than themselves and the cats for so long! They ladle soup into bowls and direct the guests into the adjacent dining room. Before they can get fully settled in, one of the chairs springs to life. The seat flips up, becoming the upper mandible of a toothy maw. A fleshy tongue darts out at Grabnar, in an attempt to grasp him. This well-trained soldier reflexively steps aside. It misses him and the alarmed would-be diners jump to his aid. They lay into it with blades, but not before it delivers a nasty, acidic bite to Grabnar. He falls to the floor, his companions continue to hack at the monster. Soon, it no longer even resembles a chair, but instead a slashed, seeping rubbery mass, that continues to lash out with sticky appendages and teeth. It finally succumbs to its wounds, and lies rent to pieces on the floor. Amid its ruins are visible a few small bones and tufts of grey fur.

Cumin and Coriander pop their tiny heads into the room, and say, “You’re not hungry?”

DU.EE once again helps to heal Grabnar, while the party considers their next move.


  1. Finally getting to this only one day before our next session. My only note so far, Grixori was the inquisitive library explorer. Waldo noticed him off on his own and tailed him.

    1. Aha! Thanks for correcting that point!

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