Episode 16: Wormbominations 2

Sartan and Cycek descend the spiral staircase to the edge of the subterranean stream, while Mishok stays with Coriander and the still unconscious Wendella. The fighter and ranger find several melees in-progress, along with a truly monstrous, bloated version of the maggot-beasts, appearing to be at least three of them fused together and thrashing around, extruding from and fused to the conjuration platform. Cycek and Sartan leap across the river on to the end of the collapsed catwalk. Sartan investigates Ekso’s body which has tumbled halfway down the ramp. He finds his mechanical spider repeatedly biting Ekso, who appears to be dead. Sartan bids his former adventuring colleague a farewell. Cycek, heads to the scene of the ongoing battle between Eve and one of the monstrous worm-creatures. 

Upstairs, Davros dashes out of the room and towards the pit in the center of Ekso’s lab, intending to rain down arrows upon the giant maggot. Meanwhile, Mishok inquires with Coriander as to her interest in Wendella, finding that there may be some conflict in their interests. She has been hired by Councilman Donnwald, whereas the team, of course, has been hired by Wendella’s parents, Mayor Anton Strongbow and his wife, Mrs. Willa Strongbow. While they talk, Wendella begins to stir, groggily coming out of her unconscious state.

Back in the caverns, Cycek helps Eve slay her opponent, employing the handheld oil-torch that he had taken from Ekso’s workbench. Sartan goes to work, firing arrows at the gigantic worm, which proceeds to vomit up gouts of maggots. Across the stream, Hack’s and his cronies battle another pair of maggot-creatures.

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