Episode 3: Networking

The night is rainy, cold, and windy. The adventurers take turn standing watch, in case more of the creatures they had encountered should come to the house. They don’t see or hear anything unusual. However, when they prepare to set out in the morning, they find the barn door open, and the horses gone – along with their riding gear. With the rain and the dark, they can’t tell where they might have gone. So, they set out on foot back to the barn. Avita gives Cycek a lucky bracelet. Exploring the barn further, they discover a number of tools, including a cargo net. They also find a small keg of moonshine, and some interesting arrows within a barrel. The arrow heads are stone, like a polished grey slate, with an engraved design resembling a tongue of flame. It also appears that the hatch and the barrel, although still intact, have been disrupted as if something had been hammering on it from below. They decide the remove the barrel and throw an enchanted glowing crowbar down into the hole. It clangs on a stone floor and illuminates a small stone room and a metal ladder. Proceeding down into the hole, they find a small basement containing a number of kegs, and muddy scuffs or tracks on the floor leading from the ladder to a crack at the base of the far wall. A terrible smell emanates from the hole, but they decide to investigate. They realize that something is coming up from the hole, so they stand ready in the chamber. Cleverly making use of found items, they throw the cargo net over a nasty, snarling humanoid beast as it lunges up out of the hole. They begin attacking it as a second beast follows slightly behind. The fight is well-fought and the party emerges victorious.

The decide to investigate more deeply and proceed down the hole, taking with them the net and a keg of moonshine. The creep down a dark, dirty tunnel and find themselves a larger chamber – little more than a big dirt hole. Several other tunnels lead out of the chamber. Tentatively exploring one tunnel, they come to another, smaller dirt hole that has human remains, scraps of clothing, and a silver belt buckle. Backing out they way they came, they hear the sound of of snarling coming from another tunnel. Davros retreats to the main tunnel, while the others pour moonshine at the mouth of the tunnel where they expect another monster to emerge. A creature much like the other two, but larger, and even more ferocious, lurches forward, only to be restrained by another well-thrown net. While the creature is held in place, Cycek fires one of the “flame icon” arrows, and true to his guess, it bursts into flame, igniting the alcohol, and seriously damaging the monster. The creature makes a tactical move to retreat down another tunnel, only to be felled by a crossbow bolt from Davros.

An investigation of the creature reveals that it is wearing a bracelet very similar if not identical to the one given to Cycek by Avita. They take it, along with the silver belt buckle, and several kegs of moonshine, back to Avita’s house. They come to understand that one of the creatures may be the hideously transformed remains of her husband, thought to have been killed by wolves over a year ago. The belt buckle was unmistakably that of Dougal. Avita is very shaken by the news, and terrified at the prospect of more creatures like those being present on her property. She accompanies the party back to the Duskhaven Den.

The inkeepers, Barnabus and Stiletta, graciously give Avita lodging, while the party has breakfast. There, they also discover the healing properties of the moonshine they have brought with them. They are briefly joined at the breakfast bar by the two travelers who had argued with Avita the night before. Realizing that they are running behind on their scheduled arrival in Shadowfurst, and finding themselves without a horse, they rent a horse from the Duskhaven Den, and set out on their way.

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