Episode 4: Meeting Hack & Hacking Meat

The late morning departure, with the sky clearing, and a few good slugs of healing hooch makes for a pleasant journey compared to the weather and battles of the last couple of days. In the mid-afternoon, they encounter the roadside stand of a Gnome named Frandlehoobin. He and his young son have a number of strange gnomish items for sale. After much haggling, the party leaves with several noteworthy contraptions such as the Escape Balloon, the Gooey Grabber, the Unbreakable Leg Trap, a Hypnotic Fidget Spinner, and some firecrackers. This was, in part, financed by a trade for some of the blue-green gems that had been looted from the bandits a couple nights before.

They arrive at the gates of Duskhaven after dark. They are disrespectful to the guards, and are about to be turned away, but the guards realizing that these are the team being contracted to find Wendella, relent and bring them before the Mayor. The gate guards escort them through the town square, past a looming warrior statue, and turn the party over to the care of the Mayor’s Elite Guard who then escort them inside the Mayoral Tower. Mayor Anton Strongbow and his wife Willa have summoned them here to conduct an investigation for which they feel their own constables are not well suited. The Town Council, not the mayor’s office,  is in charge of the town guards and constables, and Mayor Strongbow feels they have not shown themselves to be sufficiently competent or motivated to have made progress in Wendella’s return. The couple give the party some background information about Wendella, along with a physical description: a slight young woman, with black hair that has been cut short and spiked to stand straight up. They suggest that they look for her boyfriend, Carver, of whom Anton has an unfavorable view. They also mention, but dismiss the rumor that goblins have moved into the region southwest of town. They give them a note they found in Wendella’s room which reads.:

“Dearest W,

The stars will align, our paths will join, and we will be together soon. Come to me in our secret place. Seek safe passage. I’ll see you soon, my love.


They offer payment of 500gp, as well as use of horses, and lodging in the 3 Javelins Inn.

Although it is dark, it is not terribly late, so when they take their leave of Anton and Willa, they decide to visit the seedy bar at the other end of town, where they figure they might find Carver. They wisely seek the escort of town guards, which they obtain quickly and easily since the City Guard headquarters and Mayoral mansion share the same structure, the Old Guard Tower.

It takes about half an hour to cross town and they arrive at the Yur Inn. They leave the 2 guards outside and go in boldly calling for Carver. They are confronted by an angry beast of a man who turns out to be Hack, Carver’s brother. He and the party share a couple of drinks and he declares that he wants to find Carver too. “He took something of mine!” A few rounds later, midnight approaches, and Hack invites the party to enjoy the spectacle and gambling opportunity of a dog fight at the old gravel quarry of the grounds of the Shadowfurst Stoneyard. They witness two hideous, almost ape-like beasts tear apart a trio of dogs, and then turn and tear down the barricades. The crowd (including the guards who came along to enjoy the show) turn tail and run, while the party and Hack fight off the marauding creatures. Cycek and Davros put a couple of arrows in the creatures, slaying one, while Hack finishes the other with a vicious swipe of his sword.

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