Episode 104 – An Audience with Mayor Strongbow

The group gets a good night sleep, disturbed only by the occasional sounds of raised voices, dogs barking, and screams in the night. In the morning, they treat themselves to a breakfast of oatmeal, and then decide to explore the cellar. They descend the steep creaking stairs and find a couple barrels of beer, a couple small casks of brandy, and various small crates of food staples. A secondary, earthen room lies adjacent to the main cellar, through a large hole in the south wall. Within, they find a strange well. A three foot high stone apron surrounds a 10’ x 10’ square well – partitioned into four 5’ x 5’ shafts. A wire grate caps the shaft. Removing the grate and peering into the well with a light reveals moving water welling up from below. A series of indistinct, roundish shapes slowly materialize from the depths, slowly revealing themselves to be large, apple-sized snails. They find this curious, and return the grate to the top of the shaft.

Hearing movement upstairs, they return to the main floor of the tavern, and find that Lolly has arrived for work and is making breakfast for Shaggi and Skids. They inquire about the snails in the well, and Lolly tells them that they are mildly venomous. Back when the Yur Inn was owned by Yuri Rattal and frequented by her son Hack, the two used to collect the snails’ secretions, and sold them for use in the the production of poisons.

Mishok and Cycek decide they had better get on with their day, and head to the Guard Tower to discuss business with the mayor, while Davros and Sartan stay behind at the pub. They travel through the town without incident, although they do seem to get the stink eye from passers-by, especially in their own neighborhood, the squalid southwest end.

When they arrive at the grand stairway of the guard tower, they are met by a pair of the mayor’s personal guard. These are officers with whom the adventurers are acquainted, so they have no difficulty explaining the reason for their visit and gaining admittance. They mayor is pleased to see them and invites them to his office to discuss the outcome of their journey to Khundrukkar.

Mayor Strongbow is pleased to hear that the expedition was successful, and that the four of them have returned unharmed, with a cache of the sought-after Durgeddin blades. He is, however, horrified to hear what has befallen the people of Blasingdell. Mishok mentions that he has considered approaching Tibalt Throgsden, to see if he has the means to help restore the catatonic townsfolk to health. Strongbow concurs that Brother Tibalt might be able to help in this way. Sadly, he reports that the imprisoned Father Baird is in a bad state. His madness has deepened, and is in fact manifesting in physical ways. His jailers report that the wretched man is not only raving, but is often contorted with pain as if wracked by some physical malady.

The mayor is also very concerned about the report of hobgoblins trying to establish strongholds in Khundrukkar and the Blasingdell Mine. He is certain that war with the hobgoblins is coming, and these concerns are confirmed by the stories coming from the rural areas to the south. For this reason, he is all the more appreciative of the Durgeddin weapons. He is authorized to make payment and take possession of the weapons on behalf of the Countess Velnarion, who left a significant war fund.

Strongbow apologizes for Velnarion’s absence. A tenday ago, the countess left Baldur’s Gate with a company of Flaming Fist soldiers on a diplomatic mission to New Elturel, accepting a formal invitation from New Elturel’s High Overseer, Thavius Kreeg. Velnarion did not go eagerly, however. It took weeks of persuasion by the Shadowfurst Council to have her accept New Elturel’s invitation. Councilwoman Vanthampur-Wend was especially convincing, having gathered petitions from the working class people. This meeting had the stated goal of sharing resources to stave off any incursions by hpbgobliins.

However, since she has been gone, something has befallen New Elturel. According to reports, New Elturel has disappeared… the entire city has. Now refugees have been flooding to Shadowfurst, and Velnarion’s  guards, without her leadership have taken things into their own hands. The people seeking refuge in Shadowfurst from the south are a minor concern compared to the crowds of New Elturelians crowding outside the North Gate.

Among those fleeing New Elturel have been several Hellriders — paladins who have sworn oaths to defend New Elturel. Those warriors escaped the city’s fate only because they weren’t in Elturel when it fell. Arriving at Shadowfurst and finding their people shut out or mistreated by the Flaming Fist, the Hellriders have adopted a defiant stance. The Flaming Fist, imturn, has taken to arresting them on sight, lest they try to stir up trouble in Shadowfurst. The Hellriders are not going quietly, however, leading to violence and bloodshed.

Mayor Strongbow expresses his frustration at the situation his city finds itself in. Things had seemed to be turning around following the downfall of Councilman Donwald, but now, just a few months later, all is in a state of chaos. The Flaming Fist and the Royal Guards have essentially taken over most of the security on the city, and often find themselves at odds with City Guards and with the citizens in general. Crime is on the rise… not only gang activity, but now there has been a spate of murders. The Flaming Fist, headed by Captain Zodge, has been unable to tamp down this violence. There is great uncertainty about how to handle the refugees. There is great fear concerning the disaster at New Elturel. And all this comes under the threat of hobgoblins and gnolls rampaging through the countryside, and perhaps having their sights on strategic locations, like the city itself.

Mayor Strongbow will pay 500 per weapon. He will use these weapons to arm his most elite guard members. He also expresses a need for help. Mishok and his companions have proven themselves to be capable where organized forces like the City Guard and the Flaming Fist are not. While Captain Zodge and the Flaming Fist are preoccupied with the crowds at the gates and the Hellriders, perhaps they can help get to the bottom of the murders in town.