Following their discussion with Skids and Shaggi, the two travelers squatting on the 2nd floor of the Yur Inn, the group spends some more time exploring their new property. Davros inspects the bottles behind the bar, discovering among them, a bottle of healing postion, and a bottle of urine. They decide to approach their acquaintence, Lolly Oxcart, with an opportunity to have her manage the bar. They set off toward her place of employment, the grocery store in the shopping district.
Bontelan Wright meets them in the street. He reasserts his eagerness to have them accept the mission of infiltrating and exploring Khundrukkar, the lost stronghold of the fabled crafter of weapons, Durgeddin the Black. He tells them of the business arrangement he has made with the countess, wherein he acts as an agent, providing skilled individuals for jobs requiring special capabilities. He insists that the four explorers are the best he has available for this job, and that the countess is compensating him for his efforts in enlisting the team. He will share his earnings with them, in the form of an advance of 50gp each if they accept the job. He asks in return, that they not only perform the mission of finding out what the hobgoblins are up to, and identifying the presence of Durgeddin’s weaponry, but also discovering what they can about the fate of his mission of 20 years ago. He had sent a team of five, led by a dwarven guide named Krago of the Mountains. Sartan inquires about the identities of the others and learns that among the team were his former companions, Lefto and Ahura-Mazda, as well as an elf and a wizard. This piques Sartan’s interest, for he too would like to know the fate of his friends, who have not been seen 20 years hence. Mr. Wright then bestows a gift upon Sartan – the blessed shield that Sartan had unsuccessfully bargained for at the armory. He tells him that it was crafted by the monks of Tyr at their island monastery in the south. The careful smithing of fine armor is a sacred act to the monks, and that the blessing upon this shield is sure to protect the bearer, should they be good and just, from harm. With a parting bit of encouragement to consider the journey, Bontelan bids the group farewell, until their meeting the day after the morrow.
They continue on their way, and soon approach a small plaza lined with shops and carts with wares for sale. A coarse shout catches their attention, and they are soon aware of a number of thuggish blokes approaching them from the intersecting street. The lead one approaches the group and shouts at them, berating them for taking over the Yur Inn while Yuri rots in the dungeon.
Davros returns the hostility, swearing at man. The thug draws back a fist to punch Davros, who immediately draws his rapier and delivers a critical wound to the thug. The bleeding man pulls his mace and hits Davros, before being decapitated by a second rapier stroke. Cycek steps forward and cuts down another of the thugs. The rest flee down the street.
Davros and Cycek loot the bodies that lie in pools of blood in the street, as horrified shoppers in the plaza look on. The thugs are shabbily dressed in mis-matched leather armor and carrying makeshift weapons. Shortly, a pair of town guards arrive. They ask, “What happened here?” Davros and Cycek reply with hostile retorts. They are lucky that these particular officers are no fans of the deceased thugs, and they decide not to immediately arrest the antagonistic pair. They let the group go on their way, and wait for a cart to come and carry off the bodies to the morgue.
The group makes their way through the shocked citizens in the shopping plaza, and find Lolly Oxcart standing outside the front door of the grocery where she works as a clerk. She greets the group, and states that trouble seems to follow them wherever they go, for the last time she had seen them was on the morning of the riot in the city square. They exchange a few pleasantries and tidbits of news. For instance, Sartan inquires about Carver. She tells him that Carver and Wendella have parted ways and Carver has gone north in search of his brother Harven (Hack.)
They offer her employment as manager of the Yur Inn. They will pay her 2 silver pieces per day. Mishok tells her that they may be traveling for awhile, and that while they are gone, she should gather estimates on repairs to the inn, so that they can fix it up and hopefully restore it to operaration. She gleefully agrees.
Having accomplished that, they set off to the 3 Javelins. While there, they talk to the owner, Randall Roanstoll. In the course of their discussion, the hit upon the idea of making the Yur Inn a joint venture of some kind. They part ways agreeing to consider different arrangements, and to discuss it further at a later date.