Captain “Deadeye” Cadaverus swings his scimitar at the defiant Tarina. She is quick on her feet, but not quick enough. She takes a grievous wound from the captain, which spurs her new allies to spring to her defense. Davros strikes the captain with an arrow, but it is only a minor wound. The fierce pirate captain slashes at Tarina again, once more wounding her badly. She surrenders to the captain, but the battle commences around them as he drags her toward the door. Mishok burns Deadeye with the Sacred Flame, but then inexplicably passes out. He slumps against the wall, unconscious. The rest of the team fights to prevent Tarina’s abduction. Davros kills one of the pirate minions and Sartan seriously wounds Deadeye. This compels the brigand to drop his aggression and and instead bargain his way out of the situation. He wants ten thousand gold pieces, but will accept five thousand. Sartan offers him a thousand gold pieces to go away and drop his claim against Tarina. Deadeye is in no position to bargain for more, so he accepts the terms and drops his weapon. Davros is furious that Sartan would offer these criminals a thousand gold pieces and he puts an arrow through the captain’s head, killing him instantly. He then crosses the room and slaps Mishok back into consciousness. Mishok steps into the adjacent room to investigate a mysterious stocky, hooded figure who seems to be observing from the shadows, and perhaps invoking a spell. As Mishok backs away, a cloud of mist emerges from the room, and the cloaked figure has vanished. One of the remaining pirates scurries upstairs out of the fray, and the two remaining ones give up. However, Davros and Cycek are in a state of rage and they kill the two unarmed pirates. The two marauding adventurers run upstairs to see if they can catch the fleeing pirate, but they are too late. They see a door ajar, so they enter to investigate. It is an unoccupied dining room. A window stands open, and the curtains billow in the cold autumn breeze. Cycek peers out and he sees a small knot of bystanders clustered around the inn’s entrance, and a dark hooded figure hastening down the street, around the corner, and out of sight. Davros picks the lock on another door and finds a guest room. It appears that a guest has been staying there, but it is presently unoccupied. The room contains a bed, a dresser, a small sea chest, and a couple paintings of sailing vessels. Meanwhile, downstairs, Tarina has lost a great deal of blood, and has collapsed from her injuries. Mishok heals her, and she joins Sartan and Mishok to check the bodies for valuables.