Session 4 – D&D Game Night Recap – July 29th, 2024

Our latest game night was packed with action and surprises as Wrenn rejoined the crew after being MIA for a few hours. His timing couldn’t have been more interesting as he walked in just as we were preparing for an unexpected battle.

The Battle Begins

Grabnar, Waldo, Lis, DU.EE, and Grixori had placed a mysterious creature in the middle of the table and were ready to light torches around it. Wrenn, bewildered by the scene, questioned the wisdom of the plan. Despite his concerns, the torches were lit, and the jar exploded, unleashing a Tasmanian devil-like creature that immediately attacked Lis and Grabnar.

After several intense rounds of combat and the creature growing in size, we managed to defeat it. To our dismay, there was no apparent reward or benefit from the battle.

Exploring New Rooms

We headed back upstairs to the study for a full rest. Refreshed, we decided to explore the adjacent room, discovering it to be a training room filled with weapons and training dummies. A broom and dustpan were innocently cleaning up, and Wrenn wisely cautioned us not to touch them. Ignoring the advice, Lis took all the weapons, and we proceeded to the 2nd floor.

The Trap Door Incident

As we approached the top of the stairs, we noticed a trap door. During our investigation, Waldo decided to return to the armory to test if the broom could fly. This curiosity led to his downfall, as the dustpan and broom attacked and incapacitated him. Ferdinan alerted us to Waldo’s plight, and we rushed back to help.

After rescuing Waldo, we resumed our trap door investigation. Grixori and Grabnar attempted to throw Wrenn through the trap door, but he failed to grab the ledge and crashed onto the armor below, revealing it to be a cheap decoration. Cumin and Coriander flew up to the attic and secured a rope for us to climb.

Discoveries in the Attic

Grabnar, Grixori, and Wrenn ascended to inspect the attic. They noticed light at the end and discovered a study with iron-bound, chained books after tearing up some floorboards. Meanwhile,, Lis, and Waldo explored parallel rooms, finding an astrological study. Within the study, they discover another Mordenkainen-authored tome featuring the letter “T” emblazoned on its spine. The book deals with the presence of other worlds among the stars. It has complex descriptions of the movement of stars and other bodies through the heavens, and how the focusing  of starlight during certain arrangement of stars can open an array of portals into worlds. Most of this room is taken up by long wooden tables that are covered with glass vessels and books. Cabinets with glass doors line the walls, and they contain all manner of specimens. Just below the ceiling in the middle of the room, colorful globes circle each other in an intricate dance. The far wall is almost completely covered by a map of the night sky, with a golden sunburst in the center above a closed door. Most of the stars are represented by mere dots or small circles, but the five most prominent stars are rendered as blazing silver suns.

The Mysterious Orb

In the next room, they encountered an illusion or holograph of the night sky, five telescopes, and an orb. DU..EE’s curiosity led him to touch the orb, but nothing happened. Upon looking through the telescopes and focusing one on a bright star, the light projected onto the orb, causing it to glow.

And that’s where our session ended, leaving us with glowing orbs and more mysteries to unravel.

Stay tuned for the next adventure!