Session 11 – Jackalwere Skirmish

We picked up where we left off, deep in the cavern by the river, searching for a way to reach the Jackalweres. Spotting a narrow tunnel in the corner where the walls had separated, we decided to press forward. Wrenn led the way, followed by Grix, Grabnar, Templeton, Micky, and Waldo.

As we moved through the tight passage, about 20 to 30 feet in, we noticed an fissure in the stone above us. Before we could react, two arrows rained down, narrowly missing Wrenn. Realizing the danger, we sprinted forward to clear the exposed area before any more attacks could land.

Emerging into a larger chamber, we found ourselves flanked—two Jackalwere archers stood on high rock formations to our left and right, bows drawn. Wrenn and Grix returned fire, while Templeton and Micky, still positioned in the tunnel, shot back at the hidden archers above us, landing solid hits.

As we focused on the archers, more Jackalweres began to swarm in from branching tunnels, joining the fight. The battle dragged on, with seven enemies rotating in and out of the skirmish. One injured Jackalwere fled deeper into the caves, while the two archers retreated into tunnels above.

Once the dust settled, we regrouped, healed up, and discussed our next move. Choosing the tunnel to our right, we ventured deeper into the web of caves, spiderwebbed with narrow crevices. This region of tunnels carried a distinctly damp aroma, and the floor of the tunnels had some puddles of stagnant water. Before long, we arrived at a crossroads:

  • Left – An apparent dead end, but something shiny was visible on the wall.
  • Forward – Sloped downward and seemed to lead toward the river.
  • Right – Opened into another cavern.

Curious about the shiny object, Waldo threw a rock at it—and it moved. An ooze-like creature slithered forth and started closing in, revealing itself as a trap. As we turned back, we found another ooze seeping out of the stone fissures, filling the passageway and blocking our escape. Trapped between them, we had no choice but to rush toward the river, escaping through a passage that led us several levels below our original entry point, opening upon stony low-tide shore of the river. We could see boats plying the waters and the outskirts of Baldur’s Gate on the far side of the broad river. Turning away from the river, we could see a plume of billowing smoke, and hear the clanging of bells – presumably the aftermath of the burning warehouse and the local fire brigade’s arrival on the scene.

We climbed our way back up to the top tier of the stone seawall, regrouped, and started planning our next approach to re-enter the tunnels and continue the hunt for the Jackalweres.