Episode 111 – Barrel of Fun

Most of the bar patrons have cleared out during the fight, but Alan Alyth and his staff stand shocked by what has transpired. Alan expresses his disgust at what he views as the dishonorable killing of combatants who had surrendered. He has seen plenty of bar fights but cannot abide what he has just witnessed. He is initially livid and orders Sartan and Mishok to go rein in Davros and Cycek – the two who were primarily responsible for the slayings. He explains that he does not need any authorities poking around, because he is harboring a large number of refugees in his upstairs rooms. He suggests that the group should get out of here before the Flaming Fist comes to investigate, as they certainly will. Alan and his crew begin dragging the bodies away and mopping up the blood.

Sartan and Mishok go upstairs to retrieve their companions. They return to the lower floor and Tarina approaches Davros. She thanks him for what he did, pointing out that Deadeye was an evil man and he got what he deserved. She hands over a pouch of coins that she collected from his body (32 gold pieces, and 15 silver pieces) as well as a folded up parchment. It is creased, stained, and rumpled. But upon opening it, it is revealed to be the deed to a sailing ship named “The Uncivil Serpent.” Tarina explains that this ship, now impounded in Stihlport, was taken by means of piracy. Deadeye’s signature likely has no legal standing. Nevertheless, perhaps if they are ever in Stihlport, they can lay claim to the ship. In parting, Tarina expresses her gratitude for the group defending her, and reminds them of her theory that the Cult of the Dead Three is behind the random murders, and she believes them to be operating out of the nearby public bathhouse.

They leave the Elfsong Tavern amid a throng of bystanders, who go quiet and edge uneasily away from the group as they pass by. They head southwest, putting as much distance as they can between themselves and the North Gate Flaming Fist outpost. They arrive at the Yur Inn to find that Shaggi and Skids are drinking and playing cards in an otherwise empty barroom. Lolly has gone home for the night. Skids tells them of a visit from a couple of imposing gangsters who came looking for payment. These two were particularly dangerous looking, and were clearly higher in the Stoneheaded Bastards ranks than the typically street thugs they are used to dealing with. He advises them to be wary, as the two are likely to return tomorrow. Shaggi and Skids then head upstairs to turn in for the night.

The group begins to make preparations for sneaking Livist to the church for his “funeral” tomorrow. Unfortunately, they left their cart and horse stabled at the Tower of the Guard. They decide to borrow another cart and horse from their friend Foreman Sy at the Stoneyard. The Town Guards at the Stoneyard gates are accommodating, as is the foreman. They had saved his life quite recently where he had found himself embroiled is the misdeeds of Scaythe, Slender James, and their hobgoblins allies at the Blasingdell Mine. Foreman Sy is lamenting the loss of the drill that he had provided to the mine, and his is wondering what his chances are that he will get Councilwoman Sareyes Vanthumpur-Wend to pay for a replacement drill. The Wend family owns the mine, and had leased it to the hobgoblins. As Sy sees it, the Councilwoman is responsible for the loss of such an expensive piece of mining equipment, but she is unlikely to see it that way. But, he is happy to see Mishok and Sartan, and he provides them a heavy cart and draft horse, asking them to return it tonight because it will be needed in the morning.

Meanwhile, Cycek and Davros prepare Livist for his trip. They interrogate him about the gangster visitors. He replies that he does not know them, but Mortlock has recruited some particularly dangerous gangsters to handle enforcement. They decide to pack Livist into a barrel, since a bar shipping a barrel of ale should not arouse any suspicion. They load it onto the cart and make their way through town without incident.

They arrive at the Church of St. Terragnis, where they find acolytes still busily preparing for travel and a few parishioners sitting prayerfully in the pews. Mishok meets with Brother Thibault while the others bring the barrel in through the back door. The let Livist out of the barrel, and loose his bindings, allowing him to rest and recover. Brother Thibault and the acolytes have prepared a casket to carry Livist out of the city. He will need four more pallbearers to make a convincing procession and he asks the four to participate. They agree to do so.

They decide to have Mishok stay the night at the church, while the others return the cart. Mishok borrows Cycek’s sending stone, so that he can stay in communication with the rest. Sartan, Davros and Cycek depart to return the cart. They will return in the morning for the “funeral.”

Thibault prepares Mishok for his role as interim pastor of the church. He instructs Mishok to gather the congregation as soon as possible following Thibault’s departure by ringing the steeple bell. He has written a letter explaining Thibault’s absence, which Mishok is to read to the congregation. Some
congregants will be frightened and uncertain, having so recently lost Father Baird to madness, so Mishok should be prepared to reassure and comfort them. Services are conducted several times a week, but other acolytes will handle that as needed. Thibault also provides spiritual counseling to individual congregants and general outreach to the community, particularly healing prayers. Generally, Mishok should strive to be a leader / spiritual guide. Certain acolytes are instructed to handle any essential business obligations, and most can wait until Thibault returns. If Thibault does not return, Mishok may be expected to take on a larger, more permanent role. Thibault wears the Belt of Dwarvenkind, and also a heavy mace, for the journey. Mishok settles in at the church for the night.

Meanwhile the three others are confronted by a gang of about 20 individuals blocking their way and hurling various abuse at them. One thug carves “Property of the Stoneheaded Bastards” into the wood at the back of the cart. Another tries to kick one of the spoke out of a cart wheel, but fails to cause more than minor damage. The trio intimidates the mob into backing off and allowing passage. They offer to buy the thugs all a beer as a peace offering. The thugs promise to take them up on the offer. The cart is returned, and the trio settles back in at the Yur Inn, planning to depart at daybreak for their return to St. Terragnis.

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